Our rebrand has landed!
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After months of heightened secrecy, hushed meetings and general high levels of anticipation, we’re very excited to finally be sharing our new brand with you.
It means we can give a new look and feel to everything we do. Not only will we be consistently brighter and more polished, but we can add a wee bit more personality too.
However, the best bit about our new brand is that it gives us far more freedom to continually improve and expand our services. So for starters, we built a user-friendly, contractor-focused website. Standout features are our extensive, searchable contractor support centre and our new-look online account.
And you might enjoy our two-minute animated video that helps contractors understand what Key Portfolio can do for them.
Today is a very big day for us; one we’ll look back on as a really important moment in our history. But today is also just the start. At its heart, our rebrand represents a renewed commitment to our customers, and we look forward to sharing many more great moments with you in the weeks and months to come.