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- Data protection and confidentiality
- Disciplinary policy
- Equal opportunities
- Grievance procedure
- Health and safety
- Holidays
- Intellectual property
- Maternity, paternity, adoption and shared parental pay
- Use of private vehicles on company business
- Whistleblowing policy
- Working with recruitment agencies
- Welcome to Key Portfolio
- Expenses
- FAQs
- Feature on our blog
- Gender pay gap report
- Gender pay gap report 2021
- Gender Pay Gap Report 2023
- Hello!
- Home
- Modern Slavery Statement
- News
- Privacy policy
- Register your interest
- Sitemap
- Supply teaching knowledge bank
- Support centre
- Tell us about your morning routine
- Terms & conditions
- The Cinema Hero competition winners
- Umbrella or PAYE?
- Welcome to Key Portfolio
- Welcome to Key Portfolio
- Join us
- Dear Secret Santa…
- Thank you Secret Santa!
Posts by category
- Category: Entitlement to Work
- Category: Expenses
- Category: Tax codes made easy
- What is the new Health and Social Care levy?
- What is a contract of employment?
- Why am I making postgraduate loan repayments?
- What is the number of ‘Hours’ displayed on my pay advice slip?
- Should I wait until I receive a gift before I send mine?
- Am I buying a gift for the same person who's buying one for me?
- What supply teaching advice can you offer me?
- How can I contribute to the supply teaching knowledge bank?
- What happens to my holiday pay if I leave Key Portfolio?
- What is the deadline for requesting holiday pay?
- How do I request my holiday pay?
- How much holiday pay have I accrued?
- Who is the 'Hirer' for AWR purposes?
- When do I qualify for AWR 'week-13' rights?
- Where can I find my statement of particulars?
- I don’t think I’m receiving my rights under the Agency Workers Regulations. What should I do?
- How can I get your contracting newsletters?
- How can I get your supply teaching newsletters?
- Who is my employer?
- What data would you share with my recruitment agency?
- Why do you need to know my sex?
- Why do you want to know my title?
- Do you transfer my data outside the EU?
- Is Key a data controller or processor?
- Do you have a Data Protection Officer?
- Where can I find a copy of your privacy policy?
- Who are your data processors?
- How do I opt out of receiving communications from you?
- How do you keep my data secure?
- Why have my pension contributions increased?
- Where can I find your gender pay gap information?
- I have concerns related to modern slavery - how do I report it?
- Can you provide me with a statement of my projected income?
- Can you provide me with a character or personal reference?
- Who should I contact if I have a query?
- Where can I find your Modern Slavery Statement?
- Would Key like to sponsor my event?
- Could Key please sponsor me or donate to a charity?
- How will I receive my gift card?
- Can I use my gift card to purchase something that costs more/less than the balance of my gift card?
- How do I pay for items using my discounted gift card?
- How can I get involved with the Key Portfolio community?
- How do I book a film online using my cinema codes?
- How far in advance do I have to purchase my discounted cinema tickets?
- What cinema chains can I get a discount at?
- What is your complaints procedure?
- Can I increase my pension contributions?
- How much gross pay have I received this year?
- How much tax and National Insurance have I paid this tax year?
- What are the YTD figures on my pay advice slip?
- Can I give you advance notice that I don’t want to be enrolled into a pension?
- Why have I not been automatically enrolled into your pension scheme?
- What are my pensionable earnings?
- Can I choose to join your pension scheme?
- How do I leave your pension scheme?
- Have I already given you my National Insurance Number?
- What is the employer pension contribution?
- How much are employee pension contributions?
- In what circumstances will you automatically enrol me into a pension?
- Could you tell me about your pension scheme?
- What is ‘employer’s outgoings’?
- What is the apprenticeship levy?
- My recipient has asked for something specific. Do I have to buy it?
- What is your PAYE reference number?
- What is a Secret Santa gift exchange?
- Why are you organising a Secret Santa for contractors?
- Who is taking part in the Key Portfolio Secret Santa?
- How do I sign up for Secret Santa?
- When will I receive my recipient's details?
- Will I be asked to send a gift overseas?
- What sort of gift should I send?
- How much do I need to spend?
- Is there a deadline to send my gift?
- Am I guaranteed to receive a gift?
- Is the process completely secret?
- Can I be a Secret Santa without being a gift recipient, or vice versa?
- I have no idea what to buy my recipient – help!
- Should I enclose anything with my gift?
- I live near my recipient. Can I hand deliver my gift?
- Can I put my return address on the package?
- What happens if I don't send a gift?
- What do I do if I don't receive a gift?
- What happens if I hate my gift?
- How can I thank my Secret Santa?
- What should I do if I think I’ve been overpaid?
- One of my agencies pays monthly. Why can’t you pay me weekly for my other agencies?
- How do I notify you of the death of an employee?
- Can you accept a visa in an expired passport?
- How do I apply for shared parental pay?
- How much shared parental pay will I receive?
- How long can I get shared parental pay for?
- Am I eligible for shared parental pay?
- How do I report a workplace accident or injury?
- How do I join your mailing list?
- Where can I find my contract of employment?
- How do I switch to Key Portfolio from another Umbrella?
- What is a P45?
- What is your Unacceptable Actions Policy?
- Why has my cashback been declined?
- I've shopped online - what happens next?
- How much is your new margin?
- How will the new expenses legislation affect my take-home pay?
- Will I be able to keep the ‘expense balance’ I’ve built up from previous claims?
- What’s the last date that I can submit an expense claim?
- What expenses can I continue to claim after 6th April 2016?
- What is the new legislation that prevents me claiming my expenses?
- Can I write an article for your blog?
- How much does it cost to phone your 0345 number?
- Can I see a quick guide to supporting evidence?
- What is a P11D?
- When will I receive a copy of my P11D?
- Why haven't I received a P11D?
- What should I do with my P11D when it arrives?
- Can I get a paper copy of my P11D?
- How will I receive my P11D?
- What is my payroll number?
- How do I remove an agency from my account?
- How long can I get paternity pay for?
- How much paternity pay will I receive?
- How do I apply for paternity pay?
- When will I receive my P60?
- How is my take-home pay calculated?
- When do I get paid?
- Am I eligible for sick pay?
- How do I add a new agency to my account?
- Why should I add all my agencies to my Key Portfolio account?
- Should I keep a log of my mileage?
- What's Week 53 and how does it affect me?
- When will I receive my tax rebate?
- Am I due a tax rebate?
- Do I need to complete a tax return?
- Can I claim my National Insurance back when I leave the UK?
- How much National Insurance do I pay?
- Why haven't I received a P60 from you?
- Are earnings from my previous employment included on my P60?
- Why are some figures on my P60 lower than I expected?
- I've lost my P60 - what do I do?
- How do I know what my tax-free personal allowance is?
- Am I paying Employer's National Insurance?
- What is Employer’s National Insurance?
- What is my National Insurance number?
- What is a National Insurance number?
- Can you help me claim loss of earnings from jury service?
- Can you help with my mortgage or letting agency application?
- Can you give me a reference for a new job?
- What are my rights under the Agency Workers Regulations?
- How can I check if my personal details are correct?
- Why has my tax code changed?
- How much adoption pay will I receive?
- How long can I get adoption pay for?
- How do I apply for adoption pay?
- Am I eligible for adoption pay?
- What is an Umbrella Company?
- What is a dual purpose expense?
- How much is my expense balance?
- What is an expense balance?
- What should I do if I make a mistake on my expense claim?
- Why has my expense claim been declined?
- Why haven't my expenses been processed?
- Why is there a limit to the amount of expenses you can process?
- Do I get holiday pay?
- What should I do if I think I've been underpaid?
- Why has my take-home pay decreased?
- Why has my take-home pay increased?
- Why am I making student loan repayments?
- How much is your margin?
- Why haven't I been paid?
- When will I get paid at the bank holiday?
- Where can I find my Employee Handbook?
- What if my passport is in my previous name?
- What are the differences between cumulative and non-cumulative tax codes?
- How do I submit an expense claim?
- Why have you ended my employment?
- Could you please send me a P45?
- How do I leave Key Portfolio?
- What is my employment status?
- Am I eligible for paternity pay?
- Can I download and print an Expense Form?
- What should I do with the P45 Key sent me?
- Why do I need a National Insurance Number?
- Do I still pay National Insurance after I’ve reached State Pension age?
- How do I apply for a National Insurance Number?
- What is my Key ID?
- Do I need to send you a P45 from my last employer?
- How do I change my tax code?
- When does the tax year start?
- What is a tax-free personal allowance?
- How long can I get maternity pay for?
- How much maternity pay will I receive?
- How do I apply for maternity pay?
- Am I eligible for maternity pay?
- How much sick pay will I receive?
- How long can I get sick pay for?
- How do I apply for sick pay?
- Can I still view my pay advice slips after I've left Key Portfolio?
- Why can't I click on the link you emailed to me?
- My internet browser is out-of-date – what do I do?
- How do I certify my Entitlement to Work documents?
- Why do you need to see a copy of my passport?
- What Entitlement to Work documents do I need to send?
- How do I join Key Portfolio?
- Can I log into my account without an email address?
- What should I do with my P60 when it arrives?
- Can I get a paper copy of my P60?
- Can you send me this year’s P60 now?
- How will I receive my P60?
- What is a P60?
- How do I track the status of my timesheet?
- How do I complete the Submission section of my timesheet?
- How do I complete the Pre-Approved Additional Sums section of my timesheet?
- How do I complete the Pre-Approved Expenses section of my timesheet?
- How do I complete the Rates section of my timesheet?
- How do I complete the Site Entry section of my timesheet?
- How do I complete the Agency and Period section of my timesheet?
- Can I see a step-by-step guide to submitting timesheets?
- How do I submit timesheets?
- When should I submit my timesheets?
- What happens after I submit my expense claim?
- What format do you need my supporting evidence files in?
- How do I send my proof of purchase for an expense claim?
- Is there a deadline for submitting my expenses?
- Does my agency work with Key Portfolio?
- Can I see a list of my recruitment agencies?
- What happens if I work through more than one recruitment agency?
- What time will my payment clear in my bank account?
- Can I get a copy of an old pay advice slip?
- How do I view my pay advice slip?
- Can you text me to confirm when I get paid?
- How do I advise you that I’ve changed my name?
- How should I provide my bank details?
- How do I change my bank details?
- How do I update my email address?
- How do I update my phone number?
- How do I update my postal address?
- What do I do if my account is blocked?
- How do I choose new login details?
- How do I change my password?
- Help! I’m having problems logging into my account.
- It’s my first time logging into my account – what do I need to do?
- Will I receive a payslip?
- The new tax year and your take-home pay
- Christmas Pay Days 2024
- Famous fictional freelancers (and what we can learn from them)
- What an experienced teacher needs to know about supply teaching
- Four top tips for cycling to work
- Your P60: explained
- When will I get paid over Easter 2019?
- The new tax year and your take-home pay
- Summer job ideas for supply teachers
- An umbrella employee’s guide to UK income tax and NI
- Secret Santa 2018 - the roundup
- A letter to my past self... when I believed supply teaching was too lowly for me
- New Year's resolutions for supply teachers
- Christmas pay days 2018
- Tips, tricks and tactics from experienced supply teachers
- Secret Santa contractor gift exchange 2018
- Introducing... Super Supply Teacher!
- Why supply teachers get a bumper post-holiday pay day
- Morning routines of supply teachers - Part Two
- Evening routines of supply teachers - Part One
- Ebook - How to be a superhero supply teacher
- Look out for your P60
- The new tax year and your take-home pay
- How to welcome supply teachers to your school
- Supply teachers - what's your morning routine?
- When will I get paid over Easter 2018
- Spreading Christmas cheer with Secret Santa 2017
- The best Porfolio Perks for staying healthy in the new year
- Supply teachers - you guys are super!
- Christmas pay days 2017
- How to save even more this Christmas with Portfolio Perks
- It’s back! Secret Santa gift exchange for contractors
- The Ultimate Supply Teacher Kit
- Essential tools, tech and strategies for supply teachers
- Why people judge supply teachers (and how wrong they are)
- We’re closed for the August bank holiday
- Buy discounted gift cards from Portfolio Perks
- Walk to Work Day 2017
- Your P60 – coming soon
- Introducing our workplace pension scheme
- We’re closed on the May bank holidays
- Easter discounts and competition
- Easter pay days
- The new tax year and your take-home pay
- The apprenticeship levy
- Super cinema discounts for you and your friends
- Why travellers make great contractors
- Secret Santa 2016
- The best discounts for staying healthy in 2017
- Christmas pay days
- The Secret Santa gift exchange for contractors
- Save on your Christmas shopping with Portfolio Perks
- You know you're a supply teacher when...
- Half term discounts for supply teachers
- Found something phishy in your inbox from ‘HMRC’?
- We’re closed for the August bank holiday
- Coming soon: your P11D
- Your P60 – coming soon
- May bank holidays
- Introducing Portfolio Perks
- Easter pay days
- April 2016: a world without expenses
- The new tax year and your take-home pay
- How to deal with uncertainty in the world of supply teaching
- A supply teacher who sails the high seas
- The ultimate supply teacher playlist
- Customer service and beyond: how we can support you
- Fun lesson ideas from your favourite festive films
- My World Charity Cycle Ride – funded by supply teaching
- Your Christmas and New Year pay days
- Umbrella or PAYE?
- The top 3 movie supply teachers
- Things you need to know about supply teachers
- Five leadership lessons I learned in the Arizona Desert
- Are you taking care of yourself?
- Increase to National Minimum Wage may affect expenses
- Learning support workers in Wales – an update
- Summer bank holiday
- 16 Twitter accounts for supply teachers
- Our CPD giveaway – the recipients
- Coming soon: your P11D
- National CPD conference for supply teachers
- Taking on a second job?
- Free CPD opportunity for supply teachers
- In praise of supply teachers
- We’re closed for the Spring bank holiday
- P60s – a digest
- We sponsor the Protocol Education Pub Quiz!
- Our rebrand has landed!
- Week 53 - what it means for you
- The new tax year and your take-home pay
- We're getting a new look
FAQ Categories
- Data protection
- Umbrella Companies
- Getting started
- My account
- Statutory benefits
- Payments
- Holiday pay
- Expenses
- Pensions
- Tax
- National Insurance
- Proof of income/employment
- Entitlement to Work
- Technical support
- Timesheets
- Agency Workers Regulations
- Personal details
- Recruitment agencies
- P45s
- P60s
- P11Ds
- Community
- About us