You know you’re a supply teacher when…
2 minutes to read

Most teachers plan their entire social life around school holidays, use adolescent slang terms that baffle their friends and get told off by their partners for using their ‘teacher voice’ in an argument. However, there are some traits that are unique to supply teachers. You really know you’re a supply teacher when:
- You get back into bed fully dressed in case you get a last minute call
- You’ve usually got a mug in your handbag
- You’ve been able to cut down the gym workouts thanks to your supply bag – the contents of which could give Mary Poppins a run for her money
- You actually like a phone call waking you up before your alarm does
- You’ve rated all of your local schools out of five (bonus points if they give you the computer password and share their coffee)
- You can recite the names of every Headteacher within a 20 mile radius (and probably their kids’/cats’ names too)
- Your work diary is the first thing you would save in the event of a fire
- You’re ability to improvise fun activities for any age group makes you everyone’s favourite babysitter
- Multi-tasking no longer fazes you
- Statements that start with “He always lets us…” make you instantly suspicious
- One of the first interactions you have in the morning is with your Sat Nav
- You carry tea/coffee at all times – just in case
- You’re a whizz at learning names at dinner parties (unless people start swapping seats…)
- You recognise at least one student everywhere you go
- Everyone wants you on their pub quiz team – covering all those subjects means you’re full of facts your friends forgot ages ago
Do you recognise yourself in this list? Have we left anything out? Tweet us to let us know.