P60s – a digest
1 minute to read

Your P60 for the 2014/15 tax year will be making its way to your inbox very soon, which makes this a good opportunity for a quick refresher course on just what exactly your P60 entails.
What is a P60?
A P60 is a certificate that employers must send to each of their employees before the end of May each year.
What can I expect from my P60?
Your P60 shows your gross salary and how much tax and National Insurance you paid in the last tax year. When you’re looking at the figures, keep in mind that your gross salary doesn’t include the expenses you claimed.
Your P60 will come in handy if you ever have to prove your annual income. For example, if you’re applying for tax credits or completing a tax return.
It also includes a note of your payroll number.
What should I do with my P60?
Keep it safe! Even if you don’t need it straight away, you might find yourself looking for it one day. We recommend you file the email and print a copy if you want one for your records.
Learn more
You can find more detailed information on your P60, including what to do if you haven’t received it, in our support centre.