Walk to Work Day 2017
2 minutes to read

Last month, our team donned their favourite and most fashionable walking boots and took part in Walk to Work Day 2017. Maybe you took part too? If you aren’t familiar with this healthiest of holidays, Walk to Work Day challenges us to walk all or part of our commute, rather than driving or using public transport.
Do you often drive the same roads, passing by the same buildings? Or perhaps read your book or play with your smartphone on the train? We can all be guilty of wishing our journey to work away. Instead, Walk to Work Day encourages us to get outdoors and make the most of our commute.
And what a great way to start the day! As well as the health benefits and promised boost of energy, it also reaffirmed our love for our wee city. Glasgow in springtime is a beautiful place, and everyone noticed parts of town that would otherwise be passed unnoticed. From the morning mist settling on the River Clyde, to tulips blooming in parks across the West End. Along the way, we managed to stop and snap plenty of photos.
From historical buildings around the city:
(clockwise from top left: People’s Palace, Tramway arts centre, House of Fraser’s Victorian-era building, and Scotland Street School)
To the beautiful parks and River Clyde:
(clockwise from top left: Botanic Gardens, Finnieston Crane, River Clyde and the Commonwealth Games emblem on Glasgow Green)
We started our journeys from all across Glasgow and were all in high spirits by the time we met at the office. We’re definitely going to make a special effort to walk more often in the future.
Do you ever walk to work? Sometimes you might be lucky enough to work close to home. But even if certain assignments are too far to walk, you can still take part. Maybe you could stroll to the station or park the car further away than you have to – it still counts!
What’s the best part of your journey to work? Do you have any photos or stories? Tweet or email us and we’ll share our favourites.